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Recurring Jobs - FAQ

Commonly asked questions on recurring jobs.

Sarah Connors avatar
Written by Sarah Connors
Updated over a week ago

This article has commonly asked questions on recurring jobs. For more information on creating or editing recurring jobs please visit the respective help articles. If you need further assistance with recurring jobs, please reach out to our support team via the blue chat bubble.

How do I delete or cancel a recurring job?

Deleting and cancelling recurring jobs follow the same rules as many any other edits to a recurring series. These changes can be applied to a single job or the remainder of the series. Use the job options menu from the job page to delete or cancel jobs.

I would like to take a current job and make it recurring. How do I do that?

Simply edit the job you wish to make recurring and add the new recurring details. This job will be considered the first job in the series. So if you make a series with 5 jobs the result will be the current job + 4 new jobs. 5 in total.

I am not seeing a recurrence option.

Recurrences are only available on jobs. Recurrences cannot be created on:

  • Segments

  • Estimates

  • Jobs with more than one appointment

What happens for a never ending recurrence?

The duration of the series will determine how many jobs are initially created in the series. Do not worry - the recurrence will be automatically extended.

  • Daily, weekly and monthly jobs will extend 1 year into the future.

  • Yearly jobs will extend 5 years into the future.

What happens when I make changes to the duration of the recurring series?


What happens?

Increase or decrease the number of recurrences

The number you enter on this change impacts only jobs moving forward not the total number of jobs for the entire series. The recurrence will "extend" based on the number you enter.

Example: I have a recurring job with 4 occurrences. On the second job, I increase the number to 10. There will be 10 more occurrences starting with this job so in total 11 in the series.

Change the end date further into the future

We extend the recurrence to that date.

Change the end date to a date in the past

Any recurrences after that date will be deleted.

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