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Send Customers Photos & Documents

Choose which estimate/job attachments you'd like to include when sending your customer their invoice or estimate.

Ian avatar
Written by Ian
Updated over a week ago

Web Portal

To send customers photo or documents with their invoice or estimate, you must first attach them to through the details page.

  • Click either invoice option (the action button or paper airplane icon) 

  • Click the paper clip icon to choose which attachments you'd like to send the customer. 

  • Checkmark the box in the lower right corner of each attachment you'd like included on the invoice. 

  • Click 'Add Attachments' to save.

  • You can see the number of attachments on the paper clip icon once you've finished adding. 

8. Finish setting your invoice & payments settings and send! 

iPhone (iOS)

  • Click the 'Invoice' icon

  • Click the paper clip icon

  • Check each attachment you'd like to include on the invoice.

  • Click 'Done' once you've finished

  • The attachments will appear below the invoice preview and will automatically be sent with the invoice/estimate email once you click 'Send'.

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