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Send Customers Photos & Documents

Choose which estimate/job attachments you'd like to add or include when sending your customer their invoice or estimate.

Shontiquia K avatar
Written by Shontiquia K
Updated over 2 months ago

Attachments on the Web Portal

To send customers photos or documents with their invoice or estimate, you must first attach them through the details page.

  • Use the Customers tab or search option on the navigation bar to select and open the estimate/job details page

  • Scroll down to the section titled 'Attachments' on the left and click the (+) icon

  • Select the attachment from your computer

  • You will then see the attachments in the 'Attachments' section.

Invoicing an Attachment

  • Use the Customers tab or search option on the navigation bar to select and open the estimate/job details page

  • Click on the invoice option (the paper airplane icon) on the job details page.

  • Click the pencil icon in the attachments section to choose which attachments you'd like to send the customer. 

  • Checkmark the box in the lower right corner of each attachment you'd like included on the invoice. 

  • Once all photos/documents have been added, click 'Save'.

  • You can see the number of attachments in the Attachments section once you've finished adding. 

  • Lastly, finish setting your invoice & payment settings and send! 

Mobile Photo Uploads on iOS and Android

Photos on mobile will be uploaded in the background of the app, allowing you to continue working on other tasks in Housecall Pro while waiting for an upload to finish. Failed photo uploads will be notified with an error banner and stored locally on the job details page. You will be able to retry an upload when you have a better connection or cancel the upload altogether.

PDF uploads are available on jobs only.

PDF files have a maximum size of 5MB when uploaded from a mobile device.

The minimum versions to utilize this feature are:

  • Android - 2024.5.7

  • iOS - 2024.5.14

Please Note: To send customers photos or documents with their invoice or estimate, you must first attach them through the job details page.

How do I add a photo to a job from my iPhone?

  • Go into the job, and at the bottom of the screen click on "Attachments"

  • Click the camera icon in the upper right-hand corner.

  • Select your method of uploading a photo.

  • If you are choosing a photo from your phone, you will need to allow HouseCall to access your photos.

  • Select the photo size to upload and select 'Add'

You can continue to navigate the app or upload more images while the upload is in progress.

Handling Failed and Uploading Photos

  • If the image fails to upload there will be an error message on the job details page in the Attachments section.

  • Click on the attachments card or banner on the job details screen to go to the attachments page to view photos.

  • In-progress uploads will be shown with a spinning progress wheel.

  • Failed uploads will be shown with an exclamation point.

  • Take action on failed or uploading images by clicking on the thumbnail.

  • A menu will show at the bottom of the screen with the available actions.

Deleting a Photo

  • Go into the job, and at the bottom of the job details page click the edit pencil in the 'Attachments' section

  • To view a larger version and select the photo you would like to delete, tap on the thumbnail that you wish to view.

  • Once on that page, you can delete that photo by tapping the trashcan icon

  • Use the navigation arrows to view more photos in detail.

  • Click on 'Delete Attachment'

  • Once the photo has been deleted you will automatically be redirected back to the Attachments page.

  • Select 'Done' on the top of the screen left to return to the Job details page.

How do I add a photo to a job from my Android?

  • Go into the job, and at the bottom of the job details page click on "Attachments +".

  • Select the attachment card

  • Choose "Take a photo" or "Select from library"

Adding a photo to a Job with Existing Attachments

  • Go into the job, and at the bottom of the screen click on "Attachments".

    • Select the pencil icon to go to the attachments page.

    • Select the camera icon to show a menu to upload a photo.

  • Select "Take a photo" or "Select from library"

  • "Select from library" will then access your Gallery to choose which photos to upload.

  • After capturing/selecting the image, select the file size.

  • The image will then upload into the Attachments section.

NOTE: You can continue to navigate the app or upload more images while the upload is in progress.

Handling Failed or Uploading Photos

  • If the image fails to upload an error message will be shown on the job page.

  • Click on the attachments card or banner to take you to the attachments page to view all of the images.

  • In-progress uploads will be shown with a spinning progress wheel.

  • Failed uploads will be shown with an exclamation point.

  • Take action on failed or uploading images by clicking on the thumbnail.

  • A menu will show at the bottom of the screen with the available actions.

Deleting a Photo

  • Go into the job, and at the bottom of the job details page click the edit pencil in the 'Attachments' section

  • To view a larger version and select the photo you would like to delete, tap on the thumbnail that you wish to view.

  • To delete an image that has been uploaded, click on the thumbnail for that image and select the trash can icon in the top right corner

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