Since changes are always happening with your business, Housecall Pro makes it easy to delete estimates that have been created in your account.
How to delete an estimate in Housecall Pro
Find the estimate
To delete an estimate you no longer need, you will need to navigate to the estimate page. You can do this in a couple of ways:
By typing the estimate number into the search bar at the top of your screen and selecting the applicable estimate.
Or by selecting All Estimates from the top right of your HCP Homepage which will pull up a list of all undeleted estimates in the system. From this page, you can use the search bar located under the heading, "Estimates" to either search for the customer followed by the applicable estimate number, or simply by the estimate number if you know it.
Deleting the estimate
Once you are on the estimate page, hover your mouse slightly to the right of the estimate option you wish to delete. If there is only one option, this will most likely read Option #1 unless the option name has been changed.
Hovering your mouse here will cause a "More" icon to appear. This is displayed as three vertical dots.
Clicking on this will cause a drop-down menu to appear. Select the last option from the list, Delete Option #1, or Delete (name of option).
You'll then be taken to a confirmation window showing you which option is to be deleted. Click Delete in the bottom right corner of the confirmation window to confirm and your estimate will be deleted.
Things to know
If you select 'Delete Estimate', it will be completely removed from the customer's profile.
If you select 'Cancel', it will show as canceled in the customer's profile AND send a text and email notification to the customer.
If you accidentally delete a job or estimate and need to restore, you can easily restore by following the instructions in this article
The number tied to the estimate or job in the system will keep that number. It cannot not be used for another job or estimate
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