Cancel an Estimate
To cancel an estimate:
Open an estimate to view the Estimate Details page.
At the top of the page, hover your mouse over the estimate option you need to cancel.
If there is only one option, this will most likely read "Option #1" unless the option name has been changed.
Click the More icon (3 dots) that appears on the right side of the option tab.
Select the second to last option from the drop-down: "Cancel Option #1," or "Cancel (name of option)."
A confirmation window will appear, showing you which option will be canceled.
You can notify your customer of the cancellation via email and/or text by checking the 'Notify customer' option.
If you'd prefer not to send a notification, leave this box unchecked.
When you're ready, select 'Yes, Cancel the Option' in the confirmation window to cancel the estimate.
🛠️ Pro Tip: When an estimate has been canceled, it will show as "Canceled" in the customer's profile.
Delete an Estimate
Since changes are always happening with your business, Housecall Pro makes it easy to delete estimates that have been created in your account.
To delete an estimate you no longer need:
Open an estimate to view the Estimate Details page.
At the top of the page, hover your mouse over the estimate option you need to delete. If there is only one option, this will most likely read Option #1 unless the option name has been changed.
Click the More icon (3 dots) that appears on the right side of the option tab.
Select the last option in the drop-down menu: "Delete Option #1," or "Delete (name of option)."
A confirmation window will appear, showing you which option will be deleted.
Click 'Delete' in the confirmation window to delete the estimate.
Please Note:
Deleting an estimate will remove it from the customer's profile and your HCP account altogether.
At this time, deleted estimates cannot be restored.
The number associated with the deleted estimate will remain in the system and cannot be reused for another job or estimate.
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