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Common Pricebook Errors + Resolutions

Below are a list of common pricebook errors and how to resolve them.

Jessica Hari avatar
Written by Jessica Hari
Updated over a week ago

Pricebook Errors




The Service with the name (item name) has an invalid industry called “(industry or blank).”

The industry used is invalid because it is blank, you used a special character or you spelled it incorrectly

You must use an industry from the predetermined industry list in Housecall Pro. Click on "add industry" on the top right under your pricebook services and then click the drop down for all the options you can use for your industry

For example: you cannot use "HVAC" as the industry. It has to be "Heating & Air Conditioning." It must be spelled EXACTLY the same as shown under the industry options. Please see list of industry options attached at the very bottom of this page.

Category: Name is Required.”

The item on either a services or materials list is missing a category.

Add a category in the “category” column for the item(s) missing a category

Category is a required field

Material: Name is required.”

The item on a materials list is missing a name.

Add a name in the “name” column for the item(s) missing a name.

Name is a required field

Service: Name is required.

The item on a services list is missing a name.

Add a name in the “name” column for the item(s) missing a name.

Your CSV could not be uploaded

This error means that the file isn’t in CSV format, or there are hidden, non-printable characters that are preventing the file from uploading.

You have to convert your file from a .xls file to a .csv, remove all special characters such as hidden or non- printable characters in the file, or may need to update your browser and clear out your cache.

Try importing your pricebook using a different browser or try uploading in incognito mode.

(Subcategory name) cannot be added to (other Subcategory name or category name), which includes services.

There is a mismatch in number of subcategories in a category.

Delete all subcategories in a category or add subcategories in a category so that there is an equal number of subcategories in a category.

You can either add services or additional
subcategories within your empty category but NOT both. If there are existing items within a category you cannot add a subcategory. If however you have subcategories within a category you can add additional/new


(category name) already has sub-categories.”

There is a mismatch in number of subcategories in a category.

Delete all subcategories in a category or add subcategories in a category so that there is an equal number of subcategories in a category.

Service or material: Name is too long (maximum is 191 characters)

The service item name is too long

You have to shorten the item name to less than 191 characters.

Item name can only be up to 190 characters long. If it is more than that, it will error out. You can either shorten the name or if you remove the extra characters the name will be cut off after 190 characters but you can add the full name in the description if needed.

If you are still unable to import your pricebook without any errors, please email your pricebook in CSV or Excel format to and someone will format and upload it for you. The typical timeline to import your pricebook is 2-3 business days.

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