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Commissions Report

Report on commission cost by employee

Written by James Nichols
Updated over a week ago

If you pay commissions in your organization on any upsold service or premium material, you can now track commission cost by employee on the job page. By tracking commissions on jobs, you will be able to report on your commission costs.

Getting started

In order to report and track commissions, you'll need to turn on the feature and start assigning employees to line items on the job. To turn on this feature you will first need to head to your job details settings page.

1. Open up your settings by clicking on the settings gear icon at the top right of the navigation bar.

2. Select the Jobs section on the left sidebar menu, then select 'Commissions' from the dropdown.

3. Toggle the Commissions switch on the right side.

Running the report

Your Commissions report will live under your employee reports on your jobs report page.

Click into the report tab in your top navigation bar, and then open up your job reports. You should now see the Commissions report under your On job sales by employee report.

Click into the report to view the total commission cost associated with each employee over time.

Commission Cost: The sum of commission amount, when grouped by employee, only shows the cost associated with the employee.

The report has the full functionality of our jobs reports, including the ability to customize, drill down and save a custom version of the report.

  • Change the date range by clicking on the date drop down at the top left the chart

  • Change the action date to view job data based on the job created, scheduled or completed date

  • Apply a filter by clicking on the blue 'MANAGE FILTERS' button a the bottom left of the graph

  • Customize your group by (to display the data by date, business unit, job type, job tags, employee, lead source, etc) using the blue 'EDIT COLUMNS' button at the bottom right of the graph

  • Change the graph metric using the drop down on the top right of the graph

  • Save a custom version of the report by clicking on the blue 'SAVE' button at the top right of the report graph

For more detailed instructions on how to use the reports, reference our reporting help article.

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