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How are metrics calculated on the reporting tab?
How are metrics calculated on the reporting tab?

Learn how metrics on the reporting tab are calculated

Written by James Nichols
Updated over a week ago

Job metric calculations:




Average gross profit

The average gross profit of jobs, or the sum of all gross profit divided by number of jobs

Average job size

The average revenue of jobs, or the $ sum of all job revenue divided by number of jobs

Zero dollar jobs (callbacks) are included in this metric by default. If you want to exclude, use the callback job field to mark these jobs. Use filters menu to deselect these jobs

Avg rating

The average customer rating for any completed jobs

Includes only reviews sent to HCP

Commission cost

Sum of commission cost.

When viewing by employee, only shows costs associated with that employee. Must be using commissions feature to view this metric.

Commission cost % of rev

Commission cost divided by job revenue.

Includes all commission cost when viewing by employee. Must be using commissions feature to view this metric.

Hours per tech per job

The average of on job time (hours) that a technician logged across selected jobs

If time was not tracked on a particular job, that job will be excluded in the average. Must be using time tracking to see this metric

Job count

The total number of jobs

Job revenue

Job subtotal minus discounts. Excludes taxes and tips

Job total

The total invoice amount of the job. Includes taxes and tips.

Labor cost

Sum of labor cost.

When viewing by employee, only shows costs associated with that employee. . Must be using job costing to view this metric.

Labor cost % of rev

Labor cost divided by job revenue

Includes all labor cost when viewing by employee. . Must be using job costing to view this metric.

Material cost

Sum of material cost

Must be using job costing to view this metric.

Material cost % of rev

Material cost divided by job revenue

Must be using job costing to view this metric.

Miscellaneous cost

Sum of miscellaneous cost

Must be using job costing to view this metric.

Miscellaneous cost % of rev

Miscellaneous cost divided by job revenue

Must be using job costing to view this metric.

Profit margin

Gross profit divided by job revenue

Must be using job costing to view this metric.

Total cost

Sum of labor, material, commission and miscellaneous cost

Includes all labor and commissions costs when viewing by employee. . Must be using job costing to view this metric.

Total on job hours

The sum of on job time (hours) that a technician logged across selected jobs

Must be using time tracking to see this metric

Total travel hours

The sum of travel time (hours) that a technician logged across selected jobs

Must be using time tracking to see this metric

You can view your job metrics according to three action dates:

Action Date


Job created date

Date & time the job was created in HouseCall Pro

Job scheduled date

Date & time as the job appears on the calendar

Job completed date

Date & time the job was marked finished

Estimate metric calculations:




Conversion rate

Percentage of estimates that were approved, out of all the estimates (won, lost and open).

Won value

Total value of approved estimates

Includes copied to job

Won count

Total count of approved estimates. Includes copied to job

For estimates with multiple options, approved counts when one option is approved or copied to a job

Lost value

Total value of declined estimates

For estimates with multiple options, the maximum value is used

Lost count

Total count of declined estimates

For estimates with multiple options, all options were declined

Open count

Total count of undecided estimates

For estimates with multiple options, all options are open

Open value

Total value of undecided estimates

For estimates with multiple options, the maximum value is used

Action Date


Estimate created date

Date & time the estimate was created in HouseCall Pro

Leads metric calculations:

Leads metrics are only available to Orgs using the Pipeline Feature.




Conversion rate

Percentage of leads that were approved, out of all leads (won, lost and open).

Open count

Total count of open leads

Won count

Total count of approved leads

Includes copied to job or copied to estimate

Lost count

Total count of lost leads

Action Date


Lead created date

Date & time the lead was created in HouseCall Pro

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