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Using the HCP Assist Call Log

Discover the benefits of the HCP Assist call log: easily manage all your calls in one place with detailed insights

Written by Andre O
Updated over a week ago

HCP Assist Call Log Overview

The HCP Assist call log provides you with easy access to all of your calls in one central location. Through our new support channel integration, you can quickly reach out for help regarding your HCP Assist calls.

Accessing the Call Log

To access your HCP Assist call log, first click the Inbox tab from the main navigation bar at the top of your account. On the left-hand side of the screen, a sidebar for the Inbox will appear.

Next, find HCP Assist, and click Call Log

Filtering on the Call Log

The HCP Assist call log can be filtered by accessing your HCP Assist call log.

First, click the Inbox tab from the main navigation bar at the top of your account. On the left-hand side of the screen, a sidebar for the Inbox will appear.

Next, find HCP Assist, and click Call Log. To filter the calls, click the blue filter button.

The system will allow you to filter by:

Call Date

Status (ex: Action Required, To Do, In Progress, Reviewed, etc.)

Caller (either name or phone number)

Caller Type (ex: Existing customer, New customer, etc.)

Call Reason (ex: Estimate created, Billing question, etc.)

Note: When the filter window appears, you also have the option to hide spam calls by checking the box next to 'Hide Spam Calls'

How to View More Call Details

To see more details about your HCP Assist calls, first, click the Inbox tab from the main navigation bar at the top of your account. On the left-hand side of the screen, a sidebar for the Inbox will appear.

Next, find HCP Assist, and click Call Log. When a call from the call log is clicked on, a detailed view will appear. This detailed view will provide you with information such as the customer's name, address, status, caller type, call reason, lead source, call details, notes, call info, and billable minutes.

For callers who are linked to existing customers, you can navigate to their profile from this detailed view by clicking on the View Profile hyperlink

You can also reach out to your customer directly from the Call Details view by clicking the chat or call boxes under the customer's name and contact information.

*You must have our Voice Solution to leverage this feature

Call Log Status Feature

To view or edit a call's status, first, click the Inbox tab from the main navigation bar at the top of your account. On the left-hand side of the screen, a sidebar for the Inbox will appear.

Next, find HCP Assist, and click Call Log. When a call from the call log is clicked on, a detailed view will appear.

When an HCP Assist agent marks your calls as "Action Required, you will see that status on the respective call under the “Status" column.

You can also manage your internal workflows by using a pre-defined list of statuses we provide. For example, you could select “Action Required" status on your own if you want someone on your team to take action on that call, or you could select “In Progress" when you (or someone in your company) are already following up with the customer

You can edit the statuses via a drop-down in the call details view

How to Request Support

With HCP Assist, you can request dedicated support on specific calls. To request support, first, click the Inbox tab from the main navigation bar at the top of your account. On the left-hand side of the screen, a sidebar for the Inbox will appear.

Next, find HCP Assist, and click Call Log. When a call from the call log is clicked on, a detailed view will appear.

Dedicated support can be requested by clicking the “I need help with this call" link at the bottom of the Call Details view.

Using the HCP Assist call log in your Housecall App

Discover the benefits of the HCP Assist call log: easily manage all your calls in one place with detailed insights


The HCP Assist call log provides access to all of your calls in one central location, plus makes it easy for you to view details about each call. Moreover, through our new support channel integration, you can quickly reach out for help about your HCP Assist calls.

Accessing the call log

In your Inbox, you should see HCP Assist > Call Log:

View more call details

To see more details about your HCP Assist calls, click on any of the calls, and a detailed view will appear:

For callers who are linked to existing customers, you can navigate to their profile from this view by clicking on “View profile" link:

You can also reach out to your customer directly from the Call Details view by utilizing the "Chat” or “Call" icons:

Call log status feature

When an HCP Assist agent marks your calls as Action Required, you will see that status on the respective call under the Customer name or number in the call list and on the left side as little circle icons.

You can also manage your internal workflows by using a pre-defined list of statuses we provide

  • For example, you could select “Action Required" status on your own if you want someone on your team to take action on that call, or you could select “In Progress" when you (or someone in your company) are already following up with the customer.

  • You can edit the statuses within the call details view.

Request support

You can request dedicated support on specific calls via the “I need help with this call" link on the Call Details view:

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