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Open Invoices

Learn more about the 'Open' invoice status to better understand your reports and invoice functionality

Laura Fonseca avatar
Written by Laura Fonseca
Updated over a week ago

What is an open invoice?

  • An open invoice is an invoice that requires some remaining action, this can include invoices that are not fully paid and invoices that have not yet been sent

How does an invoice become open?

Invoices can become open depending on your due terms as well as the actions that you take. If you are using simple invoicing, the invoice will automatically be marked as open when it is created, and its status will remain open until it is paid or marked otherwise.

There are a couple of key triggers:

Due term rules

Due term



Upon receipt

The invoice will be moved to the open status when the invoice is sent

Upon start of work

The invoice will be moved to the open status when the job start date has passed

If the job is not scheduled, we will transition this to 'Open' if the invoice is sent or paid to keep reporting accurate.

Upon completion of work

Invoice will become open when the job is finished, in other words, you must click 'Finish' for the job

If the job is not marked as finished, but the invoice is sent or paid, we will transition this to the 'Open' status to keep reporting accurate.

There are also 3 different statuses that contribute to an invoice being 'open':

  • Past DUE - The job must be marked finished, have the invoice sent, unpaid and the due date has past

  • Due - The job must be marked finished, have the invoice sent, the due date is upcoming and is unpaid

  • Unsent - The job must be marked finished, have the invoice not sent yet, and left unpaid

Open Invoice Reporting

There are a couple of ways to run reports of the open invoices: from the homepage, dashboard, and reporting tab.

Homepage Reporting

On the homepage, you can click on the 'Open Invoices' tab

This will redirect to the Invoices tab under the Customers profile, where it will show the open invoices, and you can then filter it by status or click under the other status sections.

Dashboard Reporting

From the Dashboard page, you can click on 'View All' in the 'Open Invoices' section.

This will then populate a report of all past due, due, and unsent invoices.

You will be able to view the information listed in the report:

  • Invoice ID: invoice number

  • Customer: name of customer (parent-child setup will show child name)

  • Job tech: name of one dispatched employee (will choose based on employee list order)

  • Due amount: amount that has not been paid

  • Job finished: date 'Finished' was clicked on the job

  • Invoice last sent: most recent date the invoice was sent to the customer

  • Due date: based on invoice sent date & due date terms

  • Terms: invoice due date setting (learn how to change your invoice due date)

  • Notes: private job notes

  • Address: the job service address

Hover over an invoice row to:

  • Expand the row to view all job notes

  • Send the invoice to the customer

  • Delete the job completely (not just from the report)

To filter the report:

  • Click 'Status'

  • Check the boxes you'd like to include

  • Click 'Apply' to see changes

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