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'Open Work' Section

How jobs and estimates end up in the 'Open work' section of the mobile app.

Ian avatar
Written by Ian
Updated this week

The jobs and estimates in the 'Open Work' section will only appear on the dispatched employee's app. Owner/admins will not see their employee's open work, only their own.

The 'Open Work' report on the mobile app includes jobs/estimates that match any of the following: 

  • have been completed in the current calendar day (marked 'Finished')

  • are scheduled for the day (unless Field Tech permission to view entire schedule is disabled)

  • have 'On My Way' or 'Start' clicked, but not 'Finish'

This does not include unpaid or unscheduled jobs/invoices, those can be found in the 'Needs Attention' section (unless they match any of the above, they will appear in both). 

Click the number in the right corner of the section to view your open work.

Needs Attention Queue

Overview the Needs Attention queue seen at the top of the Housecall Pro mobile app.

The Needs Attention Queue or Banner appears at the top of any Housecall Pro mobile dashboard whenever there are Jobs that require action. The two statuses that qualify a Job as needing attention are Unscheduled and Unpaid. Tap the Needs Attention banner to view these items.


This section will show any Jobs that have a balance and are assigned to the employee viewing their Needs Attention queue. Tap on any Job to view the full Job Details page. NOTE: All Jobs in the section will appear in chronological order based on the date they were scheduled for.


This section will show any Jobs assigned to the employee viewing their Needs Attention queue that remain unscheduled. Tap on any Job to view the full Job Details page. NOTE: All Jobs in the section will appear in chronological order based on the date they were created.

Removing Jobs from Needs Attention

Jobs will be removed from the Needs Attention queue once the necessary action has been taken (i.e. payment has been applied or it has been scheduled, respectively). If neither of these actions is to be taken, but you would like to remove the Job from an employee's queue the employee must be unassigned from the Job.

For more information on Jobs please see our Jobs, Estimates, & Sales Proposals Collection.

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