Online Booking

Step 9: Set up your Online Booking and add it to your website, Facebook page, Google listing, or anywhere else you can put a link

Taylor Morrison avatar
Written by Taylor Morrison
Updated over a week ago

We launched a new, improved Online Booking tool! Our newest Online Booking is optimized for mobile, provides advanced scheduling options, and allows you to customize the appointment intake form.

One of the most proven ways to increase business and provide a five star experience for your customer is by being there when a customer needs you. And even though you can’t be available 24/7, you can essentially be open for business if you provide your customers with the ability to schedule appointments with you online. This functionality you can put on your website, Facebook page, and your other social media channels, makes it convenient for customers, reduces the timely scheduling work you normally do over the phone, and it offers a customer service benefit that differentiates you from your competitors.

Online booking is more than just offering customers a handy self-service calendar on your website, however. It is proven to be major advantage in helping businesses manage their time more effectively, increase service jobs, and build trust with customers.

Step 1: Set up Online Booking Within Your Housecall Pro Account

Step 2: Add Online Booking to Your Website/Facebook Page

Once you set up online booking within your Housecall Pro account, you can connect your Online Booking page to your Facebook and Website by following the steps outlined in the links below:

Remember, if you ever need to make changes to your Online Booking page, you can make edits at any time to any of the items we customized in the video. As soon as you make the edits, they will be live for your customers to see and book online!

Need a new Website? Let our experts build one for you, complete with integrations to your Housecall Pro Account.

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