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Add your Price List

Learn how to add in your price list including services, materials, and parts

Taylor Morrison avatar
Written by Taylor Morrison
Updated this week

You have 3 options for adding in your Price List, in this video we cover adding price list items manually.

  1. Add Price List Items Manually


Step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Navigate to ACCOUNT SETTINGS

Step 2: Click on MY PRICE LIST

Step 3: Click +ADD


Step 5: Add in your price list item details:

  1. Category: You'll want to categorize your services to group together services that are in the same industry.

  2. Name: This is the name of your service or material.

  3. Price: The price you will charge your customer.

  4. Cost: The cost of the service or material to your company. This is used for job costing.

  5. /Unit: If pricing per unit, add in the per unit measurement such as square foot, each, hour, etc.

  6. Description: Give a detailed description of what is included in each service.

  7. Taxable: You'll want to select whether or not the item is taxable.

  8. Online Booking: You'll want to select whether or not this service or material is available to be booked online by your customers.

  9. Picture: You'll want to add in an image if you enable Online Booking so that the image can be displayed on your online booking page.

Step 6: Press SAVE

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