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Importing your Price Book
Jeff H. avatar
Written by Jeff H.
Updated over a week ago

You can import your price book into Housecall Pro with a QuickBooks import when you first connect to the QuickBooks Online integration. To start this process:

1. Click the 'My Apps' icon and choose 'Go to App store'

2. Under 'Operations' choose 'Quickbooks Online' and click 'Learn more'

4. Click the 'Connect to Quickbooks' button

The industry, category, and item name, as well as the description, that you have assigned to each item in Quickbooks will then populate in your HCP price book:

You also have the option to import your price book directly into Housecall Pro from a file. This can be done by clicking the 'Import and export service' tab in your Housecall pro price book, and then choosing the import 'price book file' button (cloud with an arrow icon).

The file will need to be in CSV format. You can download our template by clicking the 'price book template' button.

The third option, is to send that list to our data team to have them import it on your behalf. That list can be emailed as a CSV file to

Here is a step-by-step for how to import your Price Book:

Step 1. From your web portal main dashboard, click 'Price Book' from the top main navigation.

Step 2: Once in your price book if you haven't already, choose the 'Add Industry' button to create a price book industry for the services you'll be importing. From there, select your industry from the drop-down list, and upload an image to help your techs better visualize and identify this price book. You can skip this step if you have already added your Industry.

Step 3. Once you have chosen an industry, click the 'Import and export services' tab within your price book. There you will see the options to download the price book template and Import your price book file. Download the price book template by pressing the blue text that reads Price book template.

You should be able to access your downloaded CSV template file in your downloads folder.

Fill out the CSV file with the Industry, category, name, description, price, cost, taxable, unit of measure, task code and the online booking enabled status of your service items.

Step 4. Once you have downloaded the CSV template and filled it out with your price book items, save the changes and then select the 'price book file' button (cloud with arrow icon) to import your price book into Housecall Pro. The 'Import' button will become blue once the list has been selected from your computer. Click that 'Import' button to finalize the import.

The uploading process may take a few minutes, and you will receive a notification in your email once the process has been completed.

Step 5. You can now access your price book by navigating through the panel on the left and clicking the Industry to drill down on the services you uploaded.


  • We import all price book items and categories under a single industry, based on what industry other items are under.

  • For top-level items, we put them into a category called Uncategorized. This is because in HCP, all price book items must be under some category and QuickBooks Online does not have the same restriction.

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