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Create a Recurring Event

Schedule events, meetings, & appointments (not customer jobs) to automatically occur on your calendar daily, weekly, monthly, or annually.

Ian avatar
Written by Ian
Updated over a week ago

Setting non-job events, such as weekly meetings, time off, or appointments, to reoccur in your calendar is simple! Set it up once and you're good to go--just follow the steps below.

1. Click on the [NEW] button in the navigation bar

2. Select 'Event'

3. Input your Event info

  • Mandatory Fields

    • Date/Time

    • Dispatch/Employee

  • Optional Fields

    • Name

    • Location

    • Event Notes

4. Click the 'Pencil' icon & this will open the schedule

5. Once on the schedule, click on the 'Recurrence' icon

6. Select if this job is going to be a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly recurrence 

For weekly:

  • The day selected will default to whatever day you are creating the job on. Be sure to uncheck that day if that is not when the job will be taking place. 

For monthly & yearly: 

  • Choose a specific day of every month (example: the first Tuesday of every month)


  • Choose a specific date of every month. Be sure to choose a date that occurs every month (example: the 31st is not available in February, April, June, September, or November). 

Pro Tip: Quarterly occurrences take place every 3 months.
Every other week repeats every 2 weeks. 

7. End Date

  • Select a specific date for the recurrence to stop 


  • Set a number of occurrence(s) that will take place 

8. Click 'Done' once you've finished 

9. Click on the 'X' icon to return to the event details page

10. Click 'Save Event' at the top right corner of the screen

That's it! You will see your recurring event appear on the calendar.

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