Customer Job Preview Overview
If you have Vehicle GPS Tracking or Dashcam Video Monitoring powered by Force Fleet Tracking on your account, the 'On my way' customer notification includes a link to a Job Preview that your customer can click on to view the details of the job. This preview includes:
Service Address
Job Status
Scheduled time of the job
A contact card for the customer to text, call, or email you
Please Note: This feature is only available if you have Vehicle GPS Tracking or Dashcam Video Monitoring powered by Force Fleet Tracking on your account.
Note: Showing additional details like a job's line items in the Customer Job Preview is no longer supported. If this is a feature you would like for us to bring back, please submit a Pro Vote into our Product Roadmap
Pro Tip: Your customers will see the pictures you have in your employee settings, so have a photo shoot day and get your headshots uploaded! (If you don't have a picture uploaded, it will show your employee's initials).
Want to successfully complete more jobs? Check out the keys to employee and customer satisfaction.