When you first receive your card reader:
Fully charge your card reader
Do NOT connect your reader through your phone’s bluetooth settings.
How to take payment in the field:
1. Press the power button to turn on the reader. You will see a steady red light showing that the reader is powering on.
2. Tap the Pay button on the invoice detail page.
3. Select Credit card as payment type.
4. Tap the Card Reader button. The system will immediately begin to search for the card reader and automatically pair.
Note: Do NOT connect the card reader through the phone’s bluetooth settings.
5. Tipping: If you have credit card tipping enabled, you will need to have your customer input the tip amount prior to running the card so the system can charge the card for the total amount being paid. Your customer will then sign to confirm the amount being charged.
6. Run the Card: You will then be prompted to swipe, insert, or tap the card using the reader.
If your customer would like to pay using a phone app (i.e. Apple Pay, Chase Pay, etc.), have them hold their phone close to the reader and their payment app should pop up and allowing them to proceed with that payment method.
7. If you’ve inserted the card to the reader, wait to remove the card until the app prompts you to do so.
8. Once payment is complete, you will see the green Payment Complete screen confirming!
If you have any further questions or are experiencing any issues with a payment going through, please chat in through the blue bubble and we can help troubleshoot!
Additionally, you can read our FAQ article for common error messages you may see.
*Please note, the card reader is only available in the US. It is not available to our Canadian pros.
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