After reading this article you should better understand the difference between auto invoicing and invoice reminders and be able to determine which is right for your needs.
Auto Invoicing
Auto Invoicing creates a batch invoice for all jobs that have been marked as finished but not fully paid since the last invoice was sent.
Please Note: You MUST send the first invoice manually. Auto invoicing will start after the Job shows marked as complete or when there is a due balance.
When you set up auto invoicing, we will not send your customer an email with all outstanding invoices. Going forward any jobs that are marked as finished but not fully paid will be included in the auto-invoice at the cadence that you set up.
Auto invoicing is perfect for customers that you do regular work for but they only want to receive their invoices once or twice a month.
Invoice Reminders
Invoice reminders are set up to automatically remind customers of past due invoices that they have already received that they need to still pay. When you establish your auto invoicing cadence, Housecall Pro will automatically send a reminder email to your customer for those invoices that have been marked as finished, have an invoice due date, a balance greater than $0 and where the invoice has already been sent to the customer. Invoice reminders will start going out after the invoice due date has passed and the invoice is still unpaid.
Invoice reminders are perfect if you struggle to collect payments in a timely manner from customers and need to remind them without the added hassle of manually doing so.
Key Difference
The key difference between auto invoicing and invoice reminders is that invoice reminders will only be sent to customers for invoices they have already received. Remember, it's a reminder. Auto invoicing on the other hand sends invoices to customers for new jobs that have been marked as finished but the customer has yet to receive the invoice.