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Profit Rhino Content Updates FAQ

Learn more about how quarterly content updates will work for those of you who are using Profit Rhino price books within HCP.

Laura Fonseca avatar
Written by Laura Fonseca
Updated over a week ago

Frequently Asked Questions for Profit Rhino Content Updates

1. If I already have Profit Rhino through Housecall will I be forced to take a content update?

No, you will not be forced to take a content update, these updates are optional but highly encouraged. These content updates powered by Profit Rhino are meant to ensure that you do not have to take on the time consuming task of manually maintaining all your service and part information. The benefit to your business is having accurate, up to date information that includes improvements such as part cost market updates, revamped marketing descriptions and improved categorization that can help your team fully take advantage of your flat rate price book(s).

2. I've already made updates to services and materials from my Profit Rhino price books, what will happen to those?

When you accept a content update that is being offered, any items where you have made edits and have been set as 'Pro Managed' will have your changes kept. If an item is 'Managed by Profit Rhino', and you have not made any edits to then those items will receive any content updates that apply (ex. updated description).

Edited Fields

Managed by You

Managed by Profit Rhino

Service/Material Name

Service/Material Description

Service Price/Cost

Task Code/ Part Number

Unit Type

Taxable toggle

Online Booking toggle

This will give you the flexibility to receive updates on the items you want and omitting your 'Pro Managed' designated items from receiving content updates. Keep in mind, if you ever change your mind and no longer want to manage a Profit Rhino item on your own, you can always 'Restore the default' to get it updated to the latest version.

3. What happens if I chose not to update?

We always encourage you to keep your Profit Rhino content up to date to make sure you are pricing with confidence. However, if you choose to skip a content update being offered you will be able to update at a later time if you chose.

Keep in mind that if multiple content updates have passed since your last update, your price book will be placed on the latest update offered.

4. How do I get access to Profit Rhino via HCP if I don't have it yet?

In order to be able to opt-in in to Profit Rhino updates which are typically provided quarterly, you will need to have the Profit Rhino feature on your billing plan.

If you are interested and do not have access currently, please click 'Get Started' to have one of our Success Advisors reach out and share more information to ensure this is a good fit for your business.

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