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Adjust Job Invoice Settings on Web or Mobile

Learn how to adjust invoice settings on jobs

Bricelyn Jones avatar
Written by Bricelyn Jones
Updated over a week ago

While you're able to configure default invoice settings to ensure your invoices include the information you want your customers to see, you can also adjust these settings on a job-by-job basis if needed from the web and mobile app.

Note: Changing invoice settings from a job will not impact any other invoices other than the invoice you're editing. If you want to make global changes please configure your default invoice settings under account settings.

Web Portal

Clicking View and Send Invoice from a job page will take you to the invoice preview which you can adjust before sending to a customer.

Note: the invoice number, due date, and invoice message can be edited directly on the job page without clicking into the invoice preview

From the invoice preview page you'll be able to adjust the following:

Invoice Number

Click the Invoice Number to update it if necessary.

Note: you cannot have duplicate invoice numbers in Housecall Pro

Due terms

Clicking the blue text will allow you to change this to due upon start or completion of work, a specific date, or to a net number.

Payment Options

Once you've connected your bank information you'll be able to select how you want to allow customers to pay.

Learn more about payment processing here.

Note that automated invoice reminders can be configured from the default invoice settings page as these cannot be changed on a job-by-job basis.

Customer View of Invoice

Under this section, you have a handful of options that control what information your customers will see on their invoices. Toggling off/on, and checking/unchecking these settings will update the invoice preview in real-time so that you're able to preview what your customers will see.

Services and Materials

You are able to add service and material line items to jobs for your employees to see and reference for job preparation and job costing reporting purposes while still being able to control the level of detail your customers see about these line items on their invoices.

For example, if you want to track material line items to understand the material inputs and costs of a job but don't want your customers to see material details you can hide material line items altogether or just choose to show certain information like a materials subtotal.

Note: any line item added to the job with a price will be counted in the subtotal and totals even if the line item is hidden on the invoice. If you don't want the price to be included in the total change it to $0.

Sending Invoices

Download, print, or attach checklists and files from the job by selecting any of the icons before sending the invoice

An invoice message can also be added or edited.

Note: the default message is configured under Account Settings -> Company profile

When you're ready to send the invoice click Next. From here you can edit the email address, subject line, and message as well as choose whether to email or text the invoice. Once the invoice is sent the job status will be updated and you'll see a record of the event in the job activity feed.

Note: a payment option must be set in order to text invoices

Mobile App

Each setting mentioned above can also be adjusted from the mobile app.

Please note that in order for field tech users to be able to edit invoice settings, they must have permission to 'See prices & take payment' in order to access the invoice. They also need permission to 'Edit message on invoice' in order to change or update the message that shows up on the invoice.

Message on Invoice

Edit the Line Items section and scroll down to the Invoice Message where a new message can be added, or an existing message can be edited.

Invoice Preview and Payment Settings

Tap the invoice button to access the preview where the number, message, and preview settings can be edited.

Once you're ready to send, tap Next. From here you can adjust the payment options and choose whether to email or text the invoice.


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