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Archived items in Pipeline
Archived items in Pipeline

Learn how to access archived items in Pipeline and unarchive them

Written by Katie Hickey
Updated over a week ago

What is the archived items view in Pipeline?

Click on Pipeline at the top of your desktop dashboard (homepage).

On the far left of the Pipeline page, under the heading Pipeline, you will see the wors "Archived Items."

Clicking on Archived Items will allow you to easily find and unarchive your archived leads, estimates, and jobs.
This feature is designed to help you keep track of your pipeline and quickly access any archived items that you may need.

Important columns to note in the Pipeline archived items view:

Status Column on the Pipeline archived table view:

On the archived table view, you will see a Status column that shows the pipeline status of each item (won, lost, approved, paid, etc.)

If it did not previously have pipeline status, the Status column will display a dash (-).

This column can help you quickly identify the current status of each item and determine if it is ready to be unarchived.

Action column on the Pipeline archived table view:

In the Action column, you will see an undo symbol (arrow) that represents an option to UNARCHIVE.

This button allows you to unarchive an item and return it to its previous status in the pipeline.

Simply click the button to unarchive the item.

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