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Invoice Dashboard Reports

Filter and manage the invoices due dashboard

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Written by HouseCallPro Bot
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Open Invoices Dashboard Report

The Open Invoices dashboard report gives a quick at-a-glance view at all of your invoices that are unsent, due and past due.  

What do these statuses mean?

  • Unsent: Job is marked as finished and has a dollar amount on the invoice but you have not sent the invoice.

  • Due: You have sent the invoice to your customer and there is an unpaid balance due.

  • Past Due: You have sent the invoice to your customer, there is an unpaid balance due, and the invoice due date has past.

To view the Open Invoices report from the Dashboard:

  • Go to the 'Dash' tab in the top navigation bar of your Housecall Pro account.

  • Locate the Open Invoices reporting widget and click "VIEW ALL" in the top right corner.

Open Invoice Report Breakdown:

  • The report shows the last time an invoice was sent (if it ever was), the terms on the invoice (due on receipt, net 30, net 60 . etc), the amount due and the customer.

  • If you'd like to send an invoice that hasn't been sent yet or remind a customer that is past due, you can do so directly from the report.

  • Once a week, all admins will receive an email with a summary of open invoices.

    • The summary includes how many invoices are unsent, due, and past due, and how much outstanding revenue is in each category. 

Overdue Invoices Dashboard Report

View all of your overdue invoices from your dashboard and quickly send them to remind customers to pay you.

Overdue Invoices are jobs with outstanding balances that:

  • Have an invoice due date that is more than 7 days ago AND have not been invoiced in the last 7 days, OR were completed more than 7 days ago AND were never invoiced.

Any jobs that match the requirements above will appear in your overdue invoice dashboard report.

Please Note:

  • Invoice emails that fail to send act as invoices that have not been sent and will be included.

  • Invoices with partial payment will not appear in this list.

What happens when I click 'Send'?

  • As soon as you click 'Send,' Housecall Pro will attempt to send your customer an invoice via text and email.

Please Note:

  • If the customer does NOT have an email on file, the email cannot be sent.

  • If the customer does NOT have a mobile number on file, the text cannot be sent.

  • If the 'Pay Online' option is disabled for the customer, no text will be sent.

  • If there are multiple customer emails on file, only the first email address will receive it.

  • Both the email and text (if applicable) will be sent to the customer whether or not their profile notifications are ON/OFF.

  • Custom SMS is NOT required in order to send the text.

What do the customer's email and text messages say?

  • If an invoice has previously been sent to that customer, the new invoice will have the same 'Payment settings' as the original.

  • If an invoice has NOT been sent before, the invoice will default to your company's saved pay online options.

To set your company's default payment settings for invoicing, toggle on/off your desired settings, click the 'Remember pay online option' and click 'Send.'

📖 Help Article:

To learn more about the payment options available to your customers, check out our Help Article, "Housecall Pro Payment Processing Options."

Paid Invoices Dashboard

The Dashboard view allows you to quickly see how much money you have collected recently as well as how many invoices have been paid.

The Paid Invoices report allows you to view a list of your paid invoices. These invoices can be sorted by date range and table column.

  • To view and edit the list, click the blue pencil icon in the top right.

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