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Homepage Overview & FAQ
Written by Jim S
Updated over 2 months ago

What is the purpose of the new Home page?

We are optimizing how you interact with Housecall Pro with our brand-new Homepage! Not only is the new homepage easier to use, but you will be able to access features with intuitive entry points while getting an immediate glance into your business.

The Homepage is designed to give you an informative, actionable, and relevant launch point into the software by providing immediate answers to questions like:

  • What do I need to take action on?

  • How is the financial health of my business?

  • What is happening today?

  • What have I done recently?

What is happening to the Dashboard?

The dashboard has been the homepage of Housecall Pro for a long time, but it is not as good at providing the kind of day-to-day, actionable pathways into the product as our new Homepage.

If you recently joined Housecall Pro and do not see "Dash" in your top nav bar, that is intentional! We encourage you to use the "Reports" suite of tools to get the kind of business insights you need to track and run your business.

If you currently have the dashboard and still want access to it, don't worry - the dashboard will still be available at the same URL or by clicking on "Dash" in the top nav bar. The only difference is that a new page called "Home" is being added to the product and will be set as the default "home" concept.

We are working on combining Reporting and the Dashboard for more tenured Pros and do not want to show you a page that will eventually be combined with "Reports."

Accessing Jobs, Invoices, and Estimates

You can now use the Open Items section at the top of the homepage which provides 2 ways to access this information:

  • Clicking on an open item like "Open invoices" to see a list of invoices that need action taken.

  • Clicking on a link to the right of the open items list to get to all of your invoices.

  • You can also access the full list of your jobs and estimates by clicking on ‘Customers’ in the main navigation bar.

  • Click on Jobs or Estimates in the left rail. From this page, you will be able to search for any job/estimate, filter by date or lead source, and import or export your data.

Open Items

The first section you will notice on your new homepage is your open items. This serves two main purposes:

  • Get a quick look at outstanding jobs, estimates, invoices, service plans, etc.

  • Quick gateway into those areas of Housecall Pro.

Open Item Definitions

Each open item is defined in the table below:

Open item

Primary value

Secondary value

Links to

Open estimates

The number of estimates that are not yet approved

The total dollar amount of all open estimates

Reporting > Open estimates

Open invoices

The number of invoices that have not been paid

The total dollar amount of all open invoices

Open invoice list

Unscheduled jobs

The number of jobs that do not yet have a scheduled time and date

The total dollar amount of all unscheduled jobs

Reporting > Unscheduled jobs

Unscheduled service visits

The total number of service visits that have not yet been scheduled in the next 2 months, including the current month. (If today were August 15, you would see all unscheduled service visits for August, September and October)

The total dollar amount of all unscheduled service visits

Service agreements

Customizing Open Items

You can hide any open item by clicking on the dropdown and unchecking the box next to that open item.

Hiding an open item also hides the corresponding link on the right side of this component.

Want to learn more?

Check out these 📖 Help Articles:

Stats on the Homepage

Much like Open Items, Stats acts as a quick look at your most important KPIs with links directly into the area of the product to get more detail.

Setting the Time Period

Stats allow you to look at the following period of time, which will also show a comparison to the same period of time from the previous year. The available periods are:

  • Today

  • Week to date

  • Month to date

  • Quarter to date

Let's look at an example. Say it is 1:00 pm on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, and we are looking at the "Job revenue earned" stat section.


Main metric

Comparison metric


Total job revenue earned from 12:01 am Wednesday, August 23 to 11:59 pm Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Total job revenue earned from 12:01 am Tuesday, August 23 to 11:59 pm Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Week to date

Total job revenue earned from 12:01am Sunday, August 20 to 11:59pm Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Total job revenue earned from 12:01am Saturday, August 20 to 11:59pm Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Month to date

Total job revenue earned from 12:01am Tuesday, August 1 to 11:59pm Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Total job revenue earned from 12:01am Monday, August 1 to 11:59pm Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Quarter to date

Total job revenue earned from 12:01am Saturday, July 1 to 11:59pm Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Total job revenue earned from 12:01am Friday, July 1 to 11:59pm Tuesday, August 23, 2022


  • Period: The period of time selected in the Stats section

  • Main metric: The dark bold number in the "job revenue earned" section

  • Comparison metric: The green or red pill beneath the main metric that displays a percent increase or decrease compared to the same period from the previous year

Stats Definitions

All Stats have an info tooltip that appears when you move your mouse over the "i" icon that describes the metric. Those definitions are also included below:

Stats metric


Job revenue earned

Sum of revenue from jobs marked complete during the specified time period compared to the same period in the previous year

Jobs completed

Sum of jobs marked complete during the specified time period compared to the same period in the previous year

Average job size

Average revenue from all jobs marked complete during the specified time period compared to the same period in the previous year

Total new jobs booked

Sum of new jobs booked during the specified time period compared to the same period in the previous year

New jobs booked online

Sum of new jobs booked online during the specified time period compared to the same period in the previous year

Customizing Stats

You can hide any Stat by clicking the dropdown and unchecking the box next to that open item.

📚 Help Article Collection:

Want to learn more? Check out our Reporting articles in the HCP Help Center.

Employee Status

Now all of your current and upcoming jobs will live on an interactive map, giving you insight into where your employees are now and where they are going next.

All employees:

The default state of Employee Status is to show every job that is scheduled for the current day on the left organized by the technician doing the job and show the location of all current jobs on the right. This gives a quick view of the jobs happening now and later with links to do the following:

  • Call the technician

  • Chat with the technician

  • Open the job

Individual Employee and Tomorrow view:

Clicking on an employee's name will change the left side of Employee Status to show only the jobs for that employee and on the right show the location and order of each job. Clicking on "Tomorrow" will show either any view for the next day.

Recent Activity

Every action taken in the business is listed in chronological order in the Recent Activity component of the homepage.

You can click on any event in Recent Activity to immediately access the job, invoice, estimate, etc. from which the activity was generated.


The schedule component shows a quick look list view of all scheduled items in the business allowing you to scroll into the future to quickly review and find any near-term planned activity in the business.

There is also a link to the main scheduling section of Housecall Pro which can be accessed by clicking "View schedule" or simply clicking on "Schedule" in the top nav bar.

Accessing Timesheets

The easiest way to get to the Timesheet is to click on the My Apps icon (3x3 square) in the top right of your screen, then click on the Timesheet app.

Pros who still have the dashboard can access the Timesheet the same way they are used to on the dashboard.

Homepage FAQs

Can I continue to use the existing Dashboard?

  • If you already have the dashboard in your account, it will remain there for now. Our team has taken feedback from our pros that the dashboard is an essential part of their business and before reporting and dashboard can be combined, we need to make sure all existing functionality in the dashboard is maintained in reporting and easy to use.

  • As of August 28, 2023, all Pros who start new accounts in Housecall Pro will not be given the dashboard.

Can I customize the Homepage?

  • You can choose which Open Items and Stats you want to see but at this time you cannot rearrange the components on the page.

Having trouble finding what you need?

For further assistance, please reach out to our Chat Support team

via the Blue Chat Bubble in your Housecall Pro account, or

contact our Phone Support team at (858) 842-5746.

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