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Invoice numbering and QuickBooks

Learn more about how invoice and job numbers interact with QuickBooks

Laura Fonseca avatar
Written by Laura Fonseca
Updated over a week ago

This help article covers what important information makes it over to QuickBooks from Housecall. We have this quick overview of what you can expect to see on the QuickBooks side and how specific fields map from Housecall.

In the Housecall Pro platform, we have 4 different types of objects:

  • Estimates

  • Jobs

  • Invoices

  • Customers

In regards to our QuickBooks integration, we push over the information from our job object alongside details of the customer. ** It is important to note that the job # in Housecall Pro will be your invoice # in QuickBooks. **

Please Note: Estimates do not push over to QuickBooks at all and only specific fields from invoices will appear in QuickBooks such as the due term or the invoice send date as well as any payments taken.




Job #

Invoice #

Due terms


QuickBooks Online: Invoice Terms and Date

Learn how invoice terms and invoice dates are mapped to QuickBooks Online.

Setting your invoice terms in Housecall Pro

Housecall Pro allows you to set invoice terms on the job you have created.

  • Find the job you would like to set invoice terms.

  • Find the Invoice section of the job and click the highlighted link next to Due.

    • In the example below it is: Due: Upon Receipt

  • Select one of the three options: Upon, Net or On date.

  • Click Done.

When the job is finished or sent to QuickBooks Online, your terms will also be reflected in QuickBooks Online.

How are invoice terms mapped to QuickBooks Online?

  • Upon: Receipt

    If the invoice term is set to be due upon receipt. The default due date will be the date the invoice was received.

  • Upon: Start of Work or Completion of Work

If the invoice term is set to start or complete of work, the due date will automatically be set to the date the work was started or the date the work was completed.

  • Net: 7, 10, 14, 30 etc.

If the invoice net term is not a term already in QuickBooks Online, we will create the term for you. The due date will also be set to the date indicated by the net term and the invoice date to the date sent.

  • On a Date:

If the invoice net term is set to a specific date, we will not set the term and only set the due date and the invoice date.

NOTE: If you update the invoice date or invoice terms on the job in Housecall Pro, you must push the job to QuickBooks Online to reflect the changes in invoice date or invoice terms.

Note: For more detailed information on Quickbooks and our integration, please visit our QuickBooks Help Center section.

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