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Setup Auto Invoicing

Send your customer their open/unpaid invoices automatically daily, weekly, monthly, or annually.

Nate H avatar
Written by Nate H
Updated over a month ago

Set Up and Manage Auto Invoicing

Setting up Auto Invoicing can either be done on the Customer Profile, or from the Job Details page of a recurring job. Either method will apply to all unpaid invoices listed in that specific customer's Customer Profile.

After Auto Invoicing has been set up, you can manage the Auto Invoice settings from either the customer profile or any job for that customer.

Please Note: Auto invoicing will apply to all unpaid jobs listed on your customer's Customer Profile page.

Set Up Auto Invoicing (Customer Profile)

  • Click on 'Customers' in the navigation bar of your Housecall Pro account.

  • Select a customer from your Customers List, and ensure that you are on the 'Profile' tab of their Customer Profile.

  • Scroll down and select the Auto Invoice box on the left.

  • The Auto Invoice window will appear on your screen.

  • Click on the Recurrence drop-down box and select how often you want the auto invoice to occur:

    • Never (select this option if you would like to turn off auto invoicing).

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Yearly

  • After selecting the recurrence, you can also choose when the recurrence repeats.

    • Repeats every:

      • (X) amount of days, weeks, months, or years.

    • Repeats on:

      • Select the specific day(s) of the week, month, or year the auto invoice will be sent out.

  • Once your options have been selected, click 'Save' in the Auto Invoice window.

  • Your customer will receive auto invoices on the date selected for all unpaid invoices that have not already been sent to the customer.

  • The auto invoice selection will appear on the Customer Profile in the Auto Invoice box.

    • Click the drop-down arrow to view a list of the dates the auto invoices will be sent to your customer.

Please Note: Auto Invoices will be sent at the same time but as individual invoices. This is not the same as the Batch Invoicing feature where you combine the invoices and customers can make a bulk payment.

πŸ“– Help Center Article:

To learn more about Batch Invoicing, check out our Help Article, "Batched Invoices - Send and Take Payment" in the HCP Help Center.

Set Up Auto Invoicing (Recurring Jobs)

After creating and scheduling a recurring job, you'll have the option to set up Auto Invoicing. This can be set up either from an existing recurring job or when creating a new one.

Please Note: Auto invoicing will begin when the recurring job has been marked as Finished and has a due amount, and will apply to all unpaid jobs listed on your customer's Customer Profile.

πŸ“– Help Center Article:

For more information about recurring jobs, check out our Help Article, "Manage Recurring Jobs" in the HCP Help Center.

To set up Auto Invoicing from a recurring job:

  • Navigate to the Job Details page of a recurring job.

  • Scroll down and click on the Auto Invoice box on the left, and the Auto Invoice window will appear on your screen.

  • Click on the Recurrence drop-down box and select how often you want the auto invoice to occur:

    • Never (select this option if you would like to turn off auto invoicing).

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Yearly

  • After selecting the recurrence, you can also choose when the recurrence repeats.

    • Repeats every:

      • (X) amount of days, weeks, months, or years.

    • Repeats on:

      • Select the specific day(s) of the week, month, or year the invoice will be sent out.

  • Once your options have been selected, click 'Save' in the Auto Invoice window.

  • Your customer will receive auto invoices on the date selected for all unpaid invoices that have not already been sent to the customer.

  • The auto invoice selection will appear on the Customer Profile in the Auto Invoice box.

    • Click the drop-down arrow to view a list of the dates the auto invoices will be sent to your customer.

Edit Auto Invoicing

  • Click on 'Customers' in the navigation bar of your Housecall Pro account.

  • Select a customer from your Customers List, and ensure that you are on the 'Profile' tab of their Customer Profile.

  • Scroll down and click on the pencil icon in the Auto Invoice box to edit.

  • Make any changes necessary to the recurrence and click 'Save' in the Auto Invoice window.

Turn Off Auto Invoicing

  • Click on 'Customers' in the navigation bar of your Housecall Pro account.

  • Select a customer from your Customers List, and ensure that you are on the 'Profile' tab of their Customer Profile.

  • Scroll down and click the pencil icon in the Auto Invoice box to edit the recurrence.

  • Select 'Never' from the Recurrence drop-down.

  • Click 'Save' in the Auto Invoice window.

Auto Invoicing Video Tutorials

  • Auto Invoicing from the Customer Profile:

  • Edit Auto Invoicing:

  • Delete Auto Invoicing:

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