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Using Job Templates

Learn how to use job templates to streamline job setup

Bricelyn Jones avatar
Written by Bricelyn Jones
Updated over a week ago

Job templates can help you automate capturing information for common types of work to reduce manual steps and errors. Information on jobs helps your employees get the context they need about the work they're doing, and gives you better quality reporting.

Setting up Job Templates

When you create an account with Housecall Pro and select plumbing, HVAC, electrical, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, or home cleaning as your company industry, default templates will be created for you. You can modify these templates or create your own by navigating to Settings > Jobs > Job Templates.

Note: If the industries mentioned above don't match your business you can still create and use job templates.

You can also create a job template from an existing job by selecting the gear icon on the job page and clicking 'Save as new job template.'

The following information can be added to a job template:

  • Line items

    • Line items on templates must be saved to your price book. If you add a line item that doesn't exist in your price book yet, you'll be asked to choose a location to save it. Learn more about setting up your price book here.

    • Information on the line item (e.g. quantity, price, description...etc) cannot be changed on the template, but once the job is created, the line item information can be updated.

  • Checklists

    • Learn how to create and use checklists here.

  • Job fields

    • Learn more about job fields here.

  • Job tags

    • Learn more about job tags here.

  • Private notes

    • Only employees who are able to see the job will see the note.

  • Attachments

    • Add any documents or photos that may be needed for the job.

Using Job Templates

Job templates can be selected when creating jobs or applied after a job is saved. Once applied, any information from the template will be automatically added to the job.

Note: if information is added to a job before a job template is applied, applying a template later will not delete any existing information on the job.

Adding a template while creating a job:

Adding a template from an existing job:

Job Templates on Mobile

Job Templates on mobile can be applied with creating a job or added to an existing job. Just as on web - if information is added to a job before a job template is applied, applying a template later will not delete any existing information on the job.

Adding a template when creating a new job:

Note - Attachments included on templates and applied on a new job will be visible once the job is saved.

Adding a template to an existing job:

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