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Job Tags

Add job and estimate tags to categorize, track, and report

Ian H avatar
Written by Ian H
Updated over 5 months ago

What is a job tag?

Tags are internal identifiers (customers cannot see tags) that you can use to distinguish specific job details like type of job or lead source. They categorize your jobs and can be used to filter and search within your dashboard reports.

You have the option to add tags when initially creating the job or any time after on the web portal or from the mobile app.

How do I add job tags to my jobs?

To add a job tag:

  • Locate the desired job you would like to add the job tag to

  • Scroll down and click on the blue '+' next to Job Tags

  • Type in the tag name

  • Hit Enter/Return on your keyboard to save. You can also select a tag that's previously been used in the system from the drop-down

If you need to delete, simply click the 'X' on the right side of the tag. 

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