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Job Inbox: Integration with Trane
Job Inbox: Integration with Trane

Directly integrate Trane leads into your Housecall Pro account.

Mathew H avatar
Written by Mathew H
Updated over 5 months ago


Simplify your lead management process by integrating Trane webform leads directly into your Housecall Pro Job Inbox. This integration eliminates the need for manual imports, saving you valuable time and streamlining your workflow.


Before getting started, ensure you're set up to receive leads from Trane. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility, contact your Trane representative.

How to Enable the Integration

To enable your integration with Trane, first navigate to your App Store within your Housecall Pro account by clicking on the 3x3 square icon to the left of the gear icon:

Select the Job Inbox app:

Locate the Trane integration option and toggle it on by clicking on the slider next to the word "Trane." The toggle should be blue once enabled.

Next, navigate to your Job Inbox. Within your Job Inbox, find the designated Trane chat.

Click the red "Sign In" button.

You'll be redirected to Trane's website to securely authenticate your account. Follow the provided prompts to enter your Trane login credentials.

Once the integration is set up, new Trane leads will automatically populate within your designated Trane chat in your Job Inbox. This gives you a centralized view of all potential jobs, including the homeowner's contact information and service request details.

Getting Trane Leads in Job Inbox

Once the integration is set up, all new leads from Trane will now be automatically created as leads in your Housecall Pro account and you'll be notified of each one by a message in your Job Inbox.

Automated Text Messaging to Customers

As soon as a Trane lead comes into your Job Inbox, a text message will automatically be sent out to your potential customer, giving you a significant advantage over competitors who might be slower to respond and ensures a 100% disposition score. Below is an example of what this automatic text message will say:

"Hello {customer's first name}! This is {your company name} reaching out about your Trane request. How can we help you?"

It is important to note that if you have not registered your business to receive an SMS number, this automated text message will not be sent to your potential customers. It is also important to note that this automated text message is not editable.

Automated Text Messaging to Pros

As soon as a Trane lead comes into your Job Inbox, a text message will automatically be sent out to anyone on your account with Admin or Office Staff permissions. This notification is to help you follow up with your potential customer as soon as possible. Below is an example of what this text message will look like:

How to Disconnect Trane from your Housecall Pro Account

To disconnect Trane, navigate to your App Store within your Housecall Pro account by clicking on the 3x3 square icon to the left of the gear icon

Select the Job Inbox app.

Locate the Trane integration option in your Job Inbox app and toggle it off by clicking on the slider next to the word "Trane." The toggle should turn gray once disabled.

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