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Job Inbox: Integration with Angi Leads
Job Inbox: Integration with Angi Leads

Directly integrate Angi Leads into your Housecall Pro account.

Mathew H avatar
Written by Mathew H
Updated over 3 months ago


Housecall Pro has partnered with Angi Leads to bring your leads straight to your HCP inbox!

We know you are already using Angi Leads to boost your business and win more jobs, and now you can easily connect your two accounts to manage it all in one place: your Housecall Pro app.

This integration eliminates the need for manual imports, saving you valuable time and streamlining your workflow.

Please Note: To use this integration, you must have an account with Angi Leads.

How to Find Your Angi Leads Service Provider ID

The one piece of information you'll need to connect your Angi Leads account to Housecall Pro is your Angi Leads Service Provider ID.

To find your Angi Leads SP ID:

  • Then, click on the button that says "Angi Leads" in the upper right corner of the screen.

  • Your SP ID will be the number after "ID:" near the top of that drop-down.

    • Keep this number handy as you navigate back to HCP to connect your accounts!

How to Enable the Angi Leads Integration in Housecall Pro

To enable your integration with Angi Leads:

  • First, go to My Apps within your Housecall Pro account by clicking on the 3x3 square icon in the top right corner of your screen.

  • Then, select the Job Inbox app.

  • Locate the Angi Leads integration option and click the toggle next to it to enable the integration. The toggle should be blue once enabled.

  • Next, go to 'Inbox' in your Housecall Pro navigation bar and select 'Job Inbox' from the menu on the left.

  • In your Job Inbox, find the designated Angi Leads channel and click 'Connect.'

  • This is where your Angi Leads Service Provider ID will be used. Enter your SP ID into the designated text box and click 'Submit.'

  • The Angi Leads integration can take up to 7 days to successfully connect. This will be noted in the Angi Leads channel of your Job Inbox.

  • Once the integration has been successfully activated, you will see this message in your Angi Leads channel: "✅ Angi Leads integration successfully activated. Angi Leads leads will now appear inside Job Inbox channel"

Getting Angi Leads in Job Inbox

Once the integration has been successfully activated, all new leads from Angi Leads will be automatically created as leads in your Housecall Pro account, and you'll receive a notification for each lead in your Job Inbox.

By clicking 'Learn More' on the lead card, you'll be able to review the lead details, including contact information, availability, how much you paid for the lead, the ability to copy the lead to a job or estimate, and the ability to chat with the customer.

What to Do if the Integration Fails to Connect

If the integration isn't connecting after you’ve tried enabling it, please verify the Service Provider ID (SP ID) you’ve entered.

  • Then, click on the button that says "Angi Leads" in the upper right corner of your screen.

  • Your SP ID will be the number after "ID:" near the top of that drop-down.

  • In Housecall Pro, select 'Inbox' in the navigation bar at the top of your screen, then select 'Job Inbox' from the menu on the left.

  • Within your Job Inbox, find the designated Angi Leads channel and click 'Connect.'

  • Re-enter your SP ID into the designated text box, then click 'Submit.'

Please Note: The SP ID is a series of numbers. No other information will initiate the enablement of the integration.

Having trouble finding what you need?

We're happy to help! Please reach out to our Chat Support team via the Blue Chat Bubble in your HCP account, or contact our Phone Support team at

(858) 842-5746 for further assistance.

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